Located in Northeast Minneapolis, Elim Church is a vibrant urban community in passionate pursuit of Jesus.
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The following statement was written by the people of Elim more than 20 years ago. Revised in 2019, these twelve distinctives reflect our heartbeat as a Christian movement of faith hope and love.
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As a community of FAITH we are…
- Reconciled – We are a community of reconciliation through faith in Jesus Christ. Being reconciled to God, we intentionally tear down the racial, cultural, economic, and social walls that divide us.
- Spirit Prompted – We are called to be bold risk-takers who follow God’s leading against all odds. We want to move out of our comfort zone for the sake of those we serve in Jesus’ name.
- Wholistic – We practice a whole-life faith that integrates mind, body, soul, and spirit. The good news of the gospel moves us to action in practical, tangible ways.
As a people of HOPE we are…
- Intergenerational – We embrace, encourage, and support spiritual sojourners of all ages.
- Egalitarian (equally called) – Spiritual authority in the Church is based on the gifts and call of God. We affirm the biblical basis for the full participation of women and men in the ministries of the church.
- Culturally Engaged – We engage our world in ways that are faithful to Jesus Christ and responsive to the social and cultural realities of life.
Because of God’s LOVE we are…
- Transformed – We are imperfect people changed and constantly challenged by the presence of Christ through the Holy Spirit. We live deeply together in Jesus’ name by sharing meals, serving those in need, devoting ourselves to prayer, and learning scripture together.
- Grace Filled – As grateful recipients of God’s extravagant grace, we seek to share this gift of grace with one another and to invite others to experience the redemptive and healing embrace of Christ.
- Missional -We are being sent into our world to make an impact through sacrificial service and love for our neighbors.
Because we belong to the historic movement of the Christian faith we are…
- Christ Centered – Knowing and trusting Jesus is the absolute best and highest good for human kind. As such, we seek to live in the way of Jesus and call others to joyfully respond to his invitation to believe.
- Biblically Grounded – As a community of readers and interpreters, we understand the Bible to be the word of God that bears witness to the Word of God — Jesus Christ. The Bible instructs us in freedom: freedom from sin and selfishness, and freedom for love and communion with God and others.
- Ecumenical – Elim regularly partners with other Christian churches and organizations that help us fulfill our mission. Elim is part of the Converge fellowship of churches and agrees with its Affirmation of Faith. The rights and responsibilities of Elim members are detailed in our constitution.